
If you click on the ‘Channels’ link in the main menu (if you don’t see that link, contact us to enable it for your account) you will see your current channels. Click on the ‘Create’ button and you will be asked for some details.

Video CMS channel

When a channel is created, it is empty. This is to give you control what content is shown, as there may be videos you don’t want to include. You tell the channel which videos (or indeed playlists or streams) to include by tagging those items with a special tag. That tag is shown when you create the channel.

Once you have tagged at least one video, try visiting the channel (again, its URL will be shown after it was created). You should see those videos, with the latest one shown first.

If you want a particular video shown on the home page despite it not being the latest one (for example if one of your videos is particularly popular or informative), you can. We call this pinning the item. To tell the channel which item to “pin”, edit it within the ‘Channels’ section of the admin panel. You will see a box asking for the unique ID of the item to pin. Simply type in your video or playlist’s ID in that box (for example vabcdefgh) and save the changes.

Note: If you make changes to your channel but do not see those changes reflected when you visit it, you can force the channel to regenerate by clicking on the small refresh icon shown to the right of its name. Then try reloading it.

Video CMS channel

Find out more about the video CMS, or the rest of our business video hosting, by contacting us using our contact form. You can also email us directly at [email protected].

Updated: February 15, 2016