Next time you sign in to the admin panel, you should now see a summary of your account. Vidbeo is an enterprise video platform and so it is important that you can quickly see how your content is performing. This includes seeing how it has changed over time.
The first column shows the most recent videos uploaded to your account. This provides a quick way to access your most recent content. Simply click on one of the thumbnails to view that video’s details.
The small graphs show the number of views your videos have had, the number of views in which the viewer shared the video, the number of views in which the viewer commented on the video, and finally how much data (bandwidth) was needed to deliver that content. Next to each total is the change since the previous 7-day period to let you quickly see whether these metrics are performing better.
Finally the ‘top videos’ panel shows which of your videos have been viewed the most times over the past 7 days. This lets you see at a glance which videos are popular right now - as opposed to a total over all time which may include videos popular long ago. You can click on one of the titles to view that video within the platform.
If you have any questions about the dashboard or have any other question about enterprise video hosting, please email us and we’ll do our best to help you get the most out of the platform.
Updated: June 24, 2015